CEDA Congress 2023 – Debate in the Palace of the Parliament, June 7, 2023 – Building Partnerships in Diabetes at the European Level.

CEDA Congress 2023 – Debate in the Palace of the Parliament, June 7, 2023 – Building Partnerships in Diabetes at the European Level.
CEDA Congress 2023 in Bucharest – Report from Prof. Pantea Stoian and impressions from the conference.
This year‘s German Diabetes Congress took place in Berlin on May 17-20, 2023 and was attended by about 6,500 participants. The conference programme focused on many aspects of diabetes and its complications with a particular focus on novel developments in the field of precision medicine, thus reflecting the heterogeneity of…
Professor Manfredi Rizzo, Professor of Internal Medicine in Palermo, Italy, and adjunct CEDA board member has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Diabetes and its Complications: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-diabetes-and-its-complications/about/announcements
The CEDA 2022 Congress in Vienna (Austria) attracted almost 300 participants and provided an opportunity for interactive discussions on many aspects of diabetes research and care. A detailed report on the congress will follow. One highlight of the congress was the meeting of former and current CEDA/FID presidents – from…
After a two-year break due to the pandemic, this year’s Diabetes Congress from the German Diabetes Association (DDG) took place in a hybrid format on May 25-28, 2022 with many of the 6600 participants coming to Berlin for a highly comprehensive congress programme. The congress again included a CEDA session,…
On March 20-25, 2022 the 12th Serbian Congress on Diabetes took place as virtual conference with more than 1300 participants. Professor Nebojsa Lalic, President of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, invited CEDA to have a joint symposium which was chaired by Professor Thomas Stulnig and Professor Nebojsa Lalic himself. At…
On March 3-5, 2022 the 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications (INTERDIAB), which is organised by the Association for Renal, Metabolic and Nutritional Studies (ASRMN) from Romania, took place as hybrid conference with more than 650 participants. Professor Cristian Serafinceanu, president of the ASRMN…