Note of Sympathy to our Colleagues in Ukraine
Dear Friends in Ukraine,
CEDA/FID was founded in 1969 to strengthen the exchange and collaboration between diabetologists from western and eastern Europe in order to promote science resulting in better patient outcomes. Even after the fall of the iron curtain in 1989, CEDA continued to bring together experts from a continuously growing number of nations in this region reaching far into the east.
We would like to express our deep sympathy to you, our friends in Ukraine who are going through incredibly difficult times aggrieved with fears for their loved ones. We wish that you will stay safe and be able to care for your families as well as for your patients. We hope that the armed conflicts will come to an end soon and the situation will be solved by diplomatic means.
Sincerely yours,
The CEDA Board
Central European Diabetes Association
Federation of International Danube Symposia on Diabetes mellitus
Scope of the Association
The Central European Diabetes Association (CEDA), also known as Federation of International Danube Symposia on Diabetes mellitus (FID), is a non-profit organisation, whose aim is to promote science and cooperation of all groups in Central Europe with activities in the area of diabetes mellitus.
This purpose is served by the annual symposia organized by CEDA/FID, which should take place in Western and Eastern Central European countries, complemented by satellite symposia and other smaller events held in various locations.
Sponsorship for young scientists
Medical exchange programs for young doctors and researchers financially supported by our society aim at improving contacts, exchange of experience and promotion of knowledge.